
曼顿培训网(www.mdpxb.com),是北京曼顿企业管理咨询有限公司(以下简称北京曼顿咨询)旗下网站。是总部位于美国的国际职业认证标准联合会在北京地区授权的培训考试及认证单位[认证号:IOCL086132],同时也是 香港培训认证中心授权的培训认证机构[认证号:HKTCC(GZ)A1.. 招生资质: 已认证
学校优势: 企业内训方面/公开课方面
咨询电话: 13810210257
2018/3/8 8:19:03 来源:北京曼顿企业管理咨询有限公司 [加入收藏]

【咨询电话】4006820825 010-56133998 13810210257
【培训对象】National or international sales directors in charge of large accounts; sales engineers or key account managers; sales managers

In the context of globalisation, knowing how to produce a winning commercial strategy and provide the excellent service expected by key accounts are both key elements in developing long term relationships.
Optimising portfolios and retaining key accounts bring added value by building a win/win relationship between client and supplier.
This programme supports key account managers as they design their sales strategy using 4 major roles; managing their knowledge of the clients` background, managing business plans, managing the customer relationship, managing teams and projects.
■Assessing and / or clarifying their job scope
■Building a toolbox to be in command of every aspect of their job
■Solving the main issues they have to deal with on the job
■Rolling out an action plan to manage their accounts efficiently Who should attend
■National or international sales directors in charge of large accounts; sales engineers or key account managers; sales managers

1. The key account manager’s role
■Defining key account management
■Organising key account management

2. The key account manager: managing knowledge
■The expert and the consultant
■Understanding customers in depth
■Running the SWOT analysis

3. The key account manager: managing business
■Generating and building business
■The account business plan
■The account planning process

4. The key account manager: managing relationships
■Taking up PR
■Identifying and involving key players
■Analysing relationship effectiveness to fine-tune strategy

5. The Key Account Manager – project and team manager
■The role as coordinator responsible for the action plan
■Organizing implementation and mobilizing the team
■Guiding development of the action plan
■Developing cooperation and avoiding conflicts

2、报名咨询:4006820825 010-56133998 56028090 13810210257 鲍老师
5、详细资料请访问北京曼顿培训网:www.mdpxb.com (每月在全国开设四百多门公开课,欢迎报名学习)


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